8 Limbs of Yoga: Essential Stages Towards Liberation 30 novembre 2020Learn about the 8 limbs or stages of yoga, leading you to Liberation.
Indulge in this Delicious Yogi Hot Beverage: Masala Latte 26 novembre 2020As days get colder, indulge in this delicious caffeine free masala latte. Easy to make and great for both the body and spirit!
Cork Yoga Accessories: Vegan Organic Alternative 20 novembre 2020If, like me, you are trying to get rid of plastic and other materials that do not break down easily, cork is a great alternative. When I created Ananda Hum,...
The 5 Causes of Suffering 17 novembre 2020Yogic wisdom identified 5 main causes of human suffering. These are universal and knowing them could help you free yourself and live profoundly...
Yoga Foot Massage Ball 6 novembre 2020Experiencing tightness and / or soreness in the sole of your feet? This simple foot massage ball might be the solution. Check out its benefits and try out a quick...
Death and Yoga 2 novembre 2020“The yogi cannot be afraid to die, because he has brought life to every cell of his body. We are afraid to die, because we are afraid we have not...