Warum einen Iyengar-Yogastuhl verwenden? 13. Dezember 2020Haben Sie schon einmal einen Yogastuhl benutzt? Wissen Sie, wofür es verwendet wird und welche Vorteile es hat? Hier ist eine Übersicht über dieses tolle Yoga-Requisit.
8 Limbs of Yoga: Essential Stages Towards Liberation 30. November 2020Learn about the 8 limbs or stages of yoga, leading you to Liberation.
Indulge in this Delicious Yogi Hot Beverage: Masala Latte 26. November 2020As days get colder, indulge in this delicious caffeine free masala latte. Easy to make and great for both the body and spirit!
Cork Yoga Accessories: Vegan Organic Alternative 20. November 2020If, like me, you are trying to get rid of plastic and other materials that do not break down easily, cork is a great alternative. When I created Ananda Hum,...
The 5 Causes of Suffering 17. November 2020Yogic wisdom identified 5 main causes of human suffering. These are universal and knowing them could help you free yourself and live profoundly...
Yoga Foot Massage Ball 6. November 2020Experiencing tightness and / or soreness in the sole of your feet? This simple foot massage ball might be the solution. Check out its benefits and try out a quick...