Yoga Iyengar for Beginners - Recommended Books

Yoga Iyengar for Beginners - Recommended Books

This is an excellent yoga book for beginners or yoga practionners wishing to fine tune their postures. It includes detailed information on 23 basic key yoga postures with 360degrees pictures and clear explanations to perform postures correctly.

Written and commented by BKS Iyengar, the book is a gem. A must have for any yogi looking to start yoga, improve and reach better alignment (one of the main goal of iyengar yoga). 

I particularly enjoyed the first 2 chapters providing a quick yet interesting introduction to yoga: goals, meaning and yoga theory/philosophy. BKS Iyengar having a deep knowledge and being an amazing guru, gives clear and easy information on the subject.

The chosen postures are especially selected to be performed by starting practitionners of all ages. The sequences are detailed step by step.

Here is an example:

iyengar for beginners virabhadrasana1

If you wish to order the book (Amazon sells second hand copies quite cheap):

 Happy Reading!

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