Have you ever felt like you weren't getting the full benefit of your yoga practice? Are you looking for a way to deepen your postures and get more out of your practice? If so, then yoga blocks may be just what you need. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using wooden blocks in Iyengar Yoga and how they can help you reach further and feel the postures more deeply.
Introduction to Yoga Blocks
Yoga blocks are an essential tool for practicing Iyengar yoga. They provide support and stability in a variety of yoga poses, making them ideal for beginners or those with limited mobility. Yoga blocks come in different sizes and materials, but wooden blocks are the most popular choice for Iyengar yoga practitioners. Wooden yoga blocks are sturdy and stable, making them ideal for supporting the body in a variety of yoga poses. They also have a smooth surface that is comfortable to grip and helps prevent slipping. Wooden blocks are also eco-friendly and sustainable, making them a great choice for those looking to reduce their impact on the environment. Yoga blocks can be used in a variety of ways to support the body in various yoga poses. They can be placed under the hands, feet, or hips to provide extra support and alignment. Blocks can also be used to prop up the body in standing or seated poses. Inverted poses, such as headstands and shoulder stands, often benefit from the use of blocks as well. Using yoga blocks can help you achieve proper alignment in your yoga practice, which is key to preventing injuries and maximizing the benefits of your practice. If you're new to using blocks, start by incorporating them into simple poses such as mountain pose or downward facing dog. As you become more comfortable with using them, you can experiment with different ways of incorporating them into your practice.
Benefits of Using Wooden Blocks in Iyengar Yoga
There are many benefits of using wooden blocks in Iyengar yoga. One benefit is that they help to improve your balance and alignment. Another benefit is that they can help to increase your flexibility. Additionally, wooden blocks can also help to increase your strength and stamina.
Tips for Aligning the Body with Yoga Blocks
Blocks are an essential tool in Iyengar yoga. They can help to support and align the body in a variety of yoga poses. Here are some tips for using blocks to improve your practice:
1. Place a block under your sitting bones to elevate the hips in poses like forward bends and twists. This will help to release tension in the lower back and lengthen the spine.
2. Place a block under your hand in poses like Downward Dog, Warrior III, and Camel Pose. This will help to keep the shoulders aligned and open up the chest.
3. Place a block under your head in reclining poses like Savasana (Corpse Pose) and Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose). This will help to reduce stress on the neck and spine.
4. Use two blocks stacked on top of each other to create a “shelf” for your arms in poses like Bakasana (Crow Pose) and Ustrasana (Camel Pose). This will help you to maintain proper alignment while practicing arm balances.
5. Use two blocks placed side by side to create a “step” for your feet in standing poses like Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose) and Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II Pose). This will help you to keep your feet properly aligned and stabilize your standing leg.
Sequence of Postures Utilizing Yoga Blocks
In Iyengar Yoga, the use of yoga blocks can help to improve the quality of your practice by providing support and stability in a variety of postures. Here is a sequence of postures that utilizations yoga blocks to help you reach your fullest potential in your practice:
1. Half Camel Pose: Place one yoga block under each hand, with the tallest side of the block against your palm. From a kneeling position, arch your back and reach your hands overhead, keeping your palms pressed against the blocks. Hold for 3-5 breaths before releasing.

2. Triangle Pose: Place one yoga block on each side of your body, near your outer hip bones. From a standing position, step your feet wide apart and turn your right foot out 90 degrees. Reach your right hand down to touch the block, then extend your left arm up toward the ceiling. Gaze up at your left hand and hold for 3-5 breaths before repeating on the other side.
3. High Plank Pose:
Place one yoga block under each hand, with the shortest side of the block against your palm. From a plank position, press down into your hands and lift your hips up high so that your body forms one straight line from head to heels. Hold for 3-5 breaths before lowering back down to plank.
4. Four-Limbed Staff Pose: Place one yoga block under each hand, with the tallest side of the block against your palm.
Wooden yoga blocks are a great way to reach further with your Iyengar Yoga practice. With their natural textures and supportive structure, wooden blocks allow for greater stability and balance throughout the poses. Not only are they useful for beginners, but experienced practitioners can also benefit from adding blocks into their routine to keep challenging themselves. Whether you’re looking for a new prop or just want to support yourself better in your postures, wooden yoga blocks can be a great addition to any home practice!
Check out our organic yoga props online here.