if, like me, you wonder how these yoga practitioners manage to bend and extend flat upon their legs into uttanasana, here is a good way to achieve it!
A variation of the full standing forward bend using a yoga chair.
People often feel yoga props are only for beginners... Nevertheless, they play an important role in helping yoga practitioners of all levels make huge progress.
The chair allows to stretch the upper body and open the shoulders. Providing adequate support, your hamstrings can relax and start lengthening.

Start off with your wrists resting on the back of the chair. Your legs are in a right angle with the floor, hip distance apart.

Start by standing facing the wall, the distance separating you from it will depend on your flexibility. Bend your knees, tilt your body to one side to bend down to uttanasana. Then slowly stretch your legs. You can walk closer the the wall if needed (or as your body eases into the posture).
Get your yoga accessories online here.